在准静态电容测量[1]中,我们通过测量电流和电荷来计算电容值。这种“斜率”方法使用简单,但是它的频率范围有限(1 ~10Hz),因而只能用于一些特殊情况下。……
在之前的文章 “半导体C-V测量基本原理[1]”中曾经谈到过,电容-电压测试长期以来被用于判断多种不同器件和结构的各种半导体参数,范围从MOSCAP、MOS……
Common sources of measurement error in LED production testing include lead resistance, lea……
In multiple device tests, such as those that involve burn-in, multiple parts are measured ……
Figure 2 is a simplified block diagram of a system for testing a single LED. For automatio……
Smart Instruments Increase LED Production Test Throughput
In the past, a PC often control……
Leakage Current Tests
Normally, moderate voltage levels (volts to tens of volts)……
Optical Tests
Forward current biasing is also used for optical tests because electrical c……
Many tests require sourcing a known current and measuring a voltage; others require sourci……