A technique is presented for removing large amounts of noise present in time-domain-reflec……
We clarify the role of signal loss measurements, aka Total Loss, in specifying and qualify……
Developing Unified Methods of 3D Electromagnetic Extraction, System Level Channel Modeling……
We transmit a mix of 224-Gb/s and 112-Gb/s PDM-QPSK channels at a 50-GHz spacing and 3-b/s……
In 2001, LeCroy introduced the first 5 GHz real time digital
oscilloscope. This product w……
Jitter is a variation in a waveform's timing. The timing variation of the period, duty cyc……
Measuring wideband signals such as PCI Express, Serial ATA and other types of fast analog ……
Recent detection schemes use clock- less over sampling techniques in which the receiver co……
The oscilloscope has been a primary tool for electronic design engineers since the inventi……
The serial data analyzer is an instrument designed to provide comprehensive measurement ca……