高速数字电路(英文)c01 DO NOT
Hi, I'm John . . . .
电源是电子设备的心脏部分,其质量好坏直接影响着电子设备的 可靠性。随着电子技术的不断发展,功耗、体积及转换效率等要求的不断提高,开关电容技术在电源中得到了越来越广泛的应用。开关电源……
An Evaluation of MOS Interface-Trap Charge Pump
as an Ultralow Constant-Current Generator……
A Dual-Slope Phase Frequency Detector and Charg
Pump Architecture to Achieve Fast Locking……
Power efficient charge pump in deep submicron standard CMOS technologyPower Efficient Char……
High voltage generation for low power large VDD range non volatile memories High Voltag……
Analysis of output ripple in multi-phase clocked charge pumps ……
A new 4-phase charge pump without body effects for low supply voltages ……