【应用手册】AN 554: How to Read HardCopy PrimeTime Timing Reports
【应用手册】AN 559: High Definition (HD) Video Reference Design (V1)
The Altera® V-Series of re……
【应用手册】AN 570: Implementing the 40G/100G Ethernet Protocol in Stratix IV Devices
Altera’s ……
【应用手册】AN 571: Implementing the SERDES Framer Interface Level 5 (SFI-5.1) Protocol in Strat……
【应用手册】AN 572: Implementing the Scalable SERDES Framer Interface (SFI-S) Protocol in Strati……
【应用手册】AN 573: Implementing the Interlaken Protocol in Stratix IV Transceivers
This applic……
【应用手册】Recommended Protocol Configurations for Stratix IV GX FPGAs
The architecture of the……
【应用手册】AN 578: Manual Placement of CMU PLLs and ATX PLLs in Stratix IV GX and GT Devices
【应用手册】Achieving Timing Closure in Basic (PMA Direct) Functional Mode
This application not……
【应用手册】AN 584: Timing Closure Methodology for Advanced FPGA Designs
Today’s design applica……