


来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:20

Using a UART to Implement a 1-Wire Bus Master

Abstract: This application note explains how to use a microprocessor's UART to implement a……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:16

1-Wire® Master Device Configuration

Abstract: The 'family-code' embedded in the lasered ROM number of each 1-Wire device signi……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:12

Using 1-Wire APIs for Data Sheet Commands

Abstract: All 1-Wire® device data sheets describe two sets of commands. The first set refe……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:08

与Microchip PICmicro微控制器之间的1-Wire®通信

摘要:Maxim的产品中有些包含了1-Wire通信接口,适用于不同系统。这些系统中可能需要与著名的Microchip PICmicro® (PIC)接口。为方便1-Wire器件与P……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:05

利用API控制DS1WM 1-Wire®总线主机

摘要:本应用笔记提供了一些利用Maxim API控制DS1WM 1-Wire总线主机的C语言例程。本文讨论的内容基于DS1WM已经设计到FPGA或ASIC内,主控CPU通过API调……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 23:02

DS18B20-PAR/DS18S20-PAR/DS1822-PAR Advantages for Remote Temperature Sensing

Abstract: This application note describes how the DS18B20-PAR, DS18S20-PAR and DS1822-PAR ……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 22:58

DS2422 Trim Procedure and Software Correction

Abstract: Before it can accurately measure temperatures, the DS2422 needs to undergo a two……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 22:54

Minimal Remote 1-Wire® Master Protocol

Abstract: Maxim 1-Wire devices are used in remote places where the distance between the de……
来自 分享下载2012-04-03 22:45


来自 分享下载2012-04-03 22:37


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