


来自 分享下载2012-04-08 12:54

Using a UART to Implement a 1-Wire Bus Master

Abstract: This application note explains how to use a microprocessor's UART to implement a……
来自 分享下载2012-04-08 12:52

Understanding and Configuring the DS2483 1-Wire® Master

Abstract: The DS2483 represents the next generation of integrated 1-Wire masters. With its……
来自 分享下载2012-04-08 12:50

Determining the Mission Parameters for Temperature Logger iButton® Devices

Abstract: For many first-time users, setting up a temperature logger for a mission can be ……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:26

SHA iButton API概述

摘要:Maxim SHA iButton® (DS1963S)是一个智能令牌,具有很高的安全性,并支持多种服务。本文简要介绍了使用SHA iButton实现数字认证和交易的实现过程……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:23

SHA iButton API概述

摘要:Maxim SHA iButton® (DS1963S)是一个智能令牌,具有很高的安全性,并支持多种服务。本文简要介绍了使用SHA iButton实现数字认证和交易的实现过程……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:19

DS1963S SHA 1-Wire API用户指南

摘要:本文的目的是让1-Wire®软件开发人员熟悉DS1963S iButton®安全SHA应用中的API。在两个主要的开发包:Java™ 1-Wire API和1-Wire公用程……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:13

DS1963S SHA 1-Wire API用户指南

摘要:本文的目的是让1-Wire®软件开发人员熟悉DS1963S iButton®安全SHA应用中的API。在两个主要的开发包:Java™ 1-Wire API和1-Wire公用程……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:06

Passwords in SHA Authentication

Abstract: This application note describes techniques that can be used in systems using Max……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 23:04

Maxim Digital Monetary Certificates

Abstract: This application note describes how monetary value can be represented and stored……
来自 分享下载2012-04-06 22:40

Maxim Digital Monetary Certificates

Abstract: This application note describes how monetary value can be represented and stored……
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